This weekend I went to Pet Smart and hung up a flyer on their bulletin board. Then I went to Petco, I was going to hang one on theirs too. Sadly though they no longer have a bulletin board open to the public.

                                       Cat Animal Testing

~ Over 20,000 cats are used in animal testing each year.
~ Luckily cat experimenting has slowly decreased but, is getting replaced with tests on mice or other small rodents.
~ Cats are commonly used in neurology research. ( Which is the tests having to do with the nerves, nervous system, and what diseases do to them. )
~ Cats are also used in AIDS/ HIV tests, and feline leukemia.
~ Cats that are used in experiments might have holes drilled into their skulls, implant electrodes in their brains, and steel coils implanted in their eyes. Their optic nerves might be crushed, or their eyes could be removed. They'll have chemicals applied to their skin. Sometimes the cats are raised in darkness or have their eyes sewn shut. Cats will even purposely be caused to have strokes.

How sick is this.

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