This weekend I went to Target and stuck post - it notes to some products that test on animals. I didn't have anyone say anything about it to me. But I hope i made someone buy a different product.

~  95% of the animals that are used in experimental use are not protected by the Federal Animal Act (AWA). These animals include birds, rats, mice, and cold- blooded animals that are all bred for "research".  
~  Gabon and the United States are the only two countries that allow experiments to be done to chimpanzees. 
~  Testing on chimpanzees started in the early 1920's. The baby chimpanzees were kidnapped from there cartload (a group of chimpanzees) and then sold to the U.S for experimenting. 
~  More then 900 chimpanzees are in laboratories. 
 ~  Chimpanzees are sometimes given diseases. Such as AIDS, and cancer.
Emma B
3/7/2014 01:31:03 am

I simply do NOT understand!!!!! If people are SO desperate to test, then why don''t they test on themselves?? Its not like they are any more of a living thing than animals are. If anything, animals have more decency than people, and its pathetic and sad, to be testing on something that is in someways harmless. It really annoys me how people will say that we are a larger life form just because we can talk, or walk on two legs (like many animals cannot), we think we are SOO much better. Well THINK AGAIN!! Animals can do things that many people can't, and they can still talk, we may be just too dumb to understand them. WHO KNOWS? It just REALLY annoys me. If you ever need help getting out word. I will take a stand and help because mankind, has gone TOO FAR.


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