This weekend my mom was sick so I wasn't able to get a ride, to go anywhere. But i did do a few things in my neighborhood to spread the word. Yesterday I hung up flyers on the light poles. And today i went to a couple neighbors that i knew and if they weren't busy talked to them about animal testing. Believe it or not, but some of them didn't even know how gruesome it is. They . thought they just like put the mascara on the animal and watches what happens. So I explained it is much more then just that.   
I suggest for all of you to read this article it's truly touching. It shows that animals feel just like us.
    This week i felt like posting animals that are happy, to show that they can feel just like us. And what goes on in those laboratories are horrible. Not only are they getting caused tons of pain but they don't understand what's happening to them. Imagining going to the doctors and they just jab a shot into your arm. Not only does it hurt but it's scary because they didn't explain. These poor animals go through that everyday but much more worse then just a shot. 

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