Companies that DO test on animals!

~ Almay (Revlon) 
~Ambi ( Johnson and Johnson)
~Aussie (Procter and Gamble)
~Chapstick (Pfizer)
~Clean and Clear (Johnson & Johnson)
~Dial corporation
~Dove (unilever)
~Garnier (O'real)

I think this picture speaks for itself..
      These are only a few companies there are many more.  If you'd like to find out more I'd suggest this website .
Which is where I got the information above. I haven't finished the flyer yet. I guess it was a good thing though, since it was soooo cold out! I should have the flyers done by next weekend. So i'll finally be able to hand them out to the public!  I'm excited, but kind of scared of how people will take to it. I hope all goes wickedly! Wish me luck! :]
My 20time project for the semester, is going to be animal testing awareness. I'm excited to get to show people what's really happening behind some companies walls. Most people who know that the products their buying are tested on animals don't care.  I think this is because, they don't realize whats truly happening to these animals. I am hoping to help spread awareness and be the voice for these beautiful creatures that can't speak for themselves.  

My first idea to spread awareness is going to be, flyers. I'm thinking about a few facts, maeby some products that don't test on animals, and a picture. I hope people take kindly to what i am doing. I want to show people stuff that they mae not know. Please consider what you are buying, it'll make you feel groovy about yourself!  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                This picture is just a sliver of what these                                                                                                                                                                          poor animals are going and go threw.