Surprisingly "man's best friend" is also a victim of animal testing. About 75,000 dogs are tested on, a year. Dogs are favored for toxicology studies. Which is conducted to determine the degree to which a substance can damage a living thing. So most likely the dog will not live after the test due to the harsh conditions. Sadly after a test is done they do not receive proper veterinary treatment.    

   This weekend I went to Berkots, and I hung up a flyer on there public bulletin board. While I was there I also handed a couple out to people. I had no one say no thank you to a flyer. :) 

I loveee this website!Check it out, I'm always finding new information on it.

I found this video very heplful. And hope you do to!
    Well this weekend I visited family. While i was there I shared a few facts with them. My aunt actually is starting to clean out her cabinets of animal tested products! I'm so proud of her. My plan of getting to Walmart and passing out flyers keeps getting delayed because I've been so busy. But luckliy I know how to improvise and where ever I end up for the weekend I share facts. My aunt asked for a few flyers for her friends, so hopefully they will clear out their cabinets too. 

~Rats are only 37% effective in identifying what causescancer to humans. 
~Over 500,000 rats and 1,000,000 mice are used each year in animal testing.
~ JAX deliberately breed mice to be tested on and killed. 

Rats and mice have holes drilled into their skulls, get tumors and deadly dieases put inside of them ,psychological experiments making them have depression, anxioty, and helplessness, they're burned, and so much more horrible things.

~ Only one drug out of ten that are tested on animals end up being okay.
~ Botox is tested on mice.

Well i didn't get to stand outside a store and pass out flyers, but i did send some with my dad to set in the break room at his work. My plan was to add two pictures but i didn't have enough room. 

If this symbol is on a product. It means they do not test on animals.

      Brands That Don't Test 

Yes to carrots
~ Burts Bee's
~ E.L.F
~ Urban Decay
~ Kiss My Face
~ Ion 
~ Beyond The Zone
~ Physicians Formula
~ Gold Bond 
~ TRESemme' (But their mother company does.)

Did you know there are multiple other tests that can be used instead of animal testing. There are chemical assay tests, tissue culture systems, and human skin patches. Animal testing is not required by the law, and are mainly done to protect companies against consumer lawsuits. How sick is that.

 Each year over 100 million animals loose their lifes due to animal testing. But by cutting certain foods out of your diet and buying crulety free products, you can save at least 198 animals a year!! Most people don't oppose to animal testing because, they think it's for medical advancement. When in reality the majority of tests don't contribute to helping the madical field.  Did you know some off your tax dollars go towards animal testing!!!
These animals are gased with toxic fumes, get holes drilled into their bones,skin burned off, immoblised for hours, almost anything you can imagine happens to these amazing animals. They don't even recieve proper care. When not getting tested on they're left in a barren cage.  

                            Ways YOU Can Help

1. Boycott the companies that test.
2. Send your state a polite letter saying           you would not like your tax money            used for this unhuman practice. 
3. If you see someone using a animal           tested product politly tell them. They         could be totally unaware of what their doing.
So far this is what my flyer is looking like. I still have to add some pictures, and a little bit more dazzle!  ButI think so far they look good. Hope you guys like them, and keep a eye out for them at public places!