Each year over 100 million animals loose their lifes due to animal testing. But by cutting certain foods out of your diet and buying crulety free products, you can save at least 198 animals a year!! Most people don't oppose to animal testing because, they think it's for medical advancement. When in reality the majority of tests don't contribute to helping the madical field.  Did you know some off your tax dollars go towards animal testing!!!
These animals are gased with toxic fumes, get holes drilled into their bones,skin burned off, immoblised for hours, almost anything you can imagine happens to these amazing animals. They don't even recieve proper care. When not getting tested on they're left in a barren cage.  

                            Ways YOU Can Help

1. Boycott the companies that test.
2. Send your state a polite letter saying           you would not like your tax money            used for this unhuman practice. 
3. If you see someone using a animal           tested product politly tell them. They         could be totally unaware of what their doing.
So far this is what my flyer is looking like. I still have to add some pictures, and a little bit more dazzle!  ButI think so far they look good. Hope you guys like them, and keep a eye out for them at public places!

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