One Thursday and Friday my moms friend had a garage sale. So i wen their after school and handed out flyers to people. i didn't have any complaints. I actually had a lot of people ask me more questions about it. It felt good to help inform people about something so horrible. I'm glad I did it.
Picture..Why do people think this is okay?
~ No experiment is illegal in animal testing, no matter how cruel or wrong it mae be they're still able to proceed with it.
~ Even when an alternative to animal testing has been discovered there is no law that requires companies to use it, so they're still allowed to harm animals. 
~ Less then 2% of human illnesses are seen in animals.

~ 75% of side affects identified in animals do not occur.
~ Blood transfusions were delayed 200 years because of animal studies.

Check out  this site and this one. They talk about this breakthrough and how millions of lab animals will be saved from testing!!

   I don't really have any more ideas on how i could spread the horror of animal testing. So if you have any ideas i'd love for you to comment them!! It'd be much appreciated. :) 

      One facility alone can kill 5,000 animals a day. 
      8 million animals die a year due to animal testing on           only toothpaste.
      Up to 90% of animals used in U.S of A testing are not             counted in the official statistics of animal testing. 

       This month (April) is awareness for animals that are abused which obviously include lab animals. So spread the word! Not only for animals that are tested on but also dogs who are used in dogs fights, or just animals who are abused by their owners. These are all very serious matters that are usually hushed hushed. But the more people that now hopefully will mean the faster the problem gets solved. 

   This last week i was in Florida and while i was there i was able to spread the word. There was a bar and grill, and you were allowed to bring your dogs in with you. So i thought this would be a good place to hang up a flyer, and i did. Hopefully it changes someones mind! 
     I thought i'd broaden my information today, in honor of prevention against animal cruelty month. Dog fighting. Mostly pit bulls are used but in all reality any dog can be a victim of this. If who know anyone who is involved in dog fighting tell your local police. It's a BIG issue, and is severely wrong. You can find projects and join them to help to!


    I found out that one of my friends was on my site and her mom saw it and was inspired by it. She is now going cruelty free! I'm so happy!! Besides that my weekend was pretty lazy. I'm going to Florida next weekend so I wasn't able to spread the word i was busy packing. But i'm hoping some how, some way i'll be able to spread awareness to someone in Florida. :)
NO Law Requires Cosmetic Companies To Do This.

April 24 is World Day For Laboratory Animals. Spread the word!! I think ALL of you should try to do something on the 24 to help stop animal testing, because every voice helps! Try hanging up your own posters, or telling a friend or relative about what happens to these poor animals and products that don't test. 

Stop Supporting This.
     This weekend my cousins came down to visit. So I decided to take one of  my cousins to Walmart with me and we put post-it notes on a couple products. I know that I already did this in Target but i was thinking that since Walmart is a more popular store that more people might see it.
   Did you know Paul McCartney is a animal rights activist? I wanted to write about him today not only because he was in the Beatles, but because he wants to help animals and take a stand and i think he should get props for that!  He is a vegetarian and is disgusted by animal cruelty. Him and his daughter Mary McCartney even wrote a cook book together its called Meat Free Monday Cookbook. I haven't personally read it but i'd assume it's good. I mean come on it's Paul McCartney!

      This weekend my mom was sick so I wasn't able to get a ride, to go anywhere. But i did do a few things in my neighborhood to spread the word. Yesterday I hung up flyers on the light poles. And today i went to a couple neighbors that i knew and if they weren't busy talked to them about animal testing. Believe it or not, but some of them didn't even know how gruesome it is. They . thought they just like put the mascara on the animal and watches what happens. So I explained it is much more then just that.   
I suggest for all of you to read this article it's truly touching. It shows that animals feel just like us.
    This week i felt like posting animals that are happy, to show that they can feel just like us. And what goes on in those laboratories are horrible. Not only are they getting caused tons of pain but they don't understand what's happening to them. Imagining going to the doctors and they just jab a shot into your arm. Not only does it hurt but it's scary because they didn't explain. These poor animals go through that everyday but much more worse then just a shot. 
I'm sorry for being so late this time. And worst of all I haven't got to do anything to spread the word about animal testing. I'm planning on doing two things this weekend though, so i'm caught up. :) 

                             Products that DO NOT test on animals.

~ Jackson Sage
~ 100% Pure
~ After Inked
~ Bath Petals
~ Sudz
~ Cycles Of Life
~ Ecover
~ Emily Skin Smoothers
~ Flower Essences Of Fox Mountian
~ Green Ban
~ The Herb Stop

~ Clear Logix
~ Green Forest
Natural Beauty 
~ Sum - Bo - Shine
~ Pulse Products
~ Hannah's Handprints

If You Don't Like These Pictures, Then Stop Buying Companies That Do It.
    This weekend I went to Pet Smart and hung up a flyer on their bulletin board. Then I went to Petco, I was going to hang one on theirs too. Sadly though they no longer have a bulletin board open to the public.

                                       Cat Animal Testing

~ Over 20,000 cats are used in animal testing each year.
~ Luckily cat experimenting has slowly decreased but, is getting replaced with tests on mice or other small rodents.
~ Cats are commonly used in neurology research. ( Which is the tests having to do with the nerves, nervous system, and what diseases do to them. )
~ Cats are also used in AIDS/ HIV tests, and feline leukemia.
~ Cats that are used in experiments might have holes drilled into their skulls, implant electrodes in their brains, and steel coils implanted in their eyes. Their optic nerves might be crushed, or their eyes could be removed. They'll have chemicals applied to their skin. Sometimes the cats are raised in darkness or have their eyes sewn shut. Cats will even purposely be caused to have strokes.

How sick is this.
     This weekend I went to Target and stuck post - it notes to some products that test on animals. I didn't have anyone say anything about it to me. But I hope i made someone buy a different product.

~  95% of the animals that are used in experimental use are not protected by the Federal Animal Act (AWA). These animals include birds, rats, mice, and cold- blooded animals that are all bred for "research".  
~  Gabon and the United States are the only two countries that allow experiments to be done to chimpanzees. 
~  Testing on chimpanzees started in the early 1920's. The baby chimpanzees were kidnapped from there cartload (a group of chimpanzees) and then sold to the U.S for experimenting. 
~  More then 900 chimpanzees are in laboratories. 
 ~  Chimpanzees are sometimes given diseases. Such as AIDS, and cancer.
   Surprisingly "man's best friend" is also a victim of animal testing. About 75,000 dogs are tested on, a year. Dogs are favored for toxicology studies. Which is conducted to determine the degree to which a substance can damage a living thing. So most likely the dog will not live after the test due to the harsh conditions. Sadly after a test is done they do not receive proper veterinary treatment.    

   This weekend I went to Berkots, and I hung up a flyer on there public bulletin board. While I was there I also handed a couple out to people. I had no one say no thank you to a flyer. :) 

I loveee this website!Check it out, I'm always finding new information on it.